You Are Now Free in The Lord

“And remember, if you were a slave when the Lord called you, you are now free in the Lord.  God paid a high price for you, so don’t be enslaved by the world.”

— 1 Corinthians 7:22a, 23

Because of God’s sacrifice, we are no longer imprisoned by our past mistakes. We are no longer held back by the chains of our addictions and depression, the weight of our stress, worry, and fear, or our thirst for money and power. We have been set free so that we may dedicate our lives to following Him. 

This doesn’t mean that our struggles are over. It doesn’t mean that we will never have a battle to face. It means that we turn to the power of God to help us deal with these battles, rather than allow these areas of our lives to hold us in bondage. It means we change our mindset so that we can stop living our lives as a slave to the things of this world. 

No more defining ourselves by our greatest weaknesses. 

No more being content to go through life living as though those labels are our truth. 

If we continue to give these things our attention and all of our focus, they will still have a hold on us. It is only when we let go of these worldly things that they lose their importance. The more committed we become to focus on following God, the weaker the grasp of the world becomes. 

The more driven we are to pursue him and serve him, the more liberated we become. 

God paid such a high price for our freedom. But we have to CHOOSE to live free. 

When I feel like something in the world is holding me down, I will pray: 

Dear Lord, thank You for setting me free from the areas of my life that have had a hold on me for so long, and from the things of this world that I have pursued and sought after. Lord, I have placed too much importance in these things for so long that they sometimes find a way back into the spotlight and start pulling me down again. Please, Lord, help me stay focused on You and Your path. I want to be bound only to You. I choose to be confined to the path You have set for me. I wish to be compelled to serve You in every way I can. Please Lord, help me choose to live free. Amen